Monday, June 23, 2008

Rekor... !! :P

The first thing is.. buesok gw balik indo....
horeee.. !!!

mm.. untuk mencapai hal ini gw butuh banyak perjuangan nih...
mulai dr apply k skolah buat leave sebulan.. haha...
trus sampe ngurusing student pass gw yg mw abis bulan depan..
trus assignment gw yg selesai last minute...
mantep dah.. :D...

tp yg jd rekor y hr ini...
hari sblm gw kembali...
td pagi k sklh mw ngurusin student pass...
trus pergi k ICA...
sesampainya d sana, gw baru nyadar kl lupa bw passport.. hahaha..
trus dgn terpaksa n terburu2 gw balik k rumah...
balik lg k ICA... selagi menunggu student pass gw ada..
pergi makan dulu k bugis... :D
hehe.. trus jam 2 balik lg k ICA..
mw ngambil student pass.. eh, kata petugas sklh gw gk bisa ambil skrg..
krn ada kontrak yg hrs ditandatangani.. disuruh balik k sklh jam 5... --"
akhirnya gw memutuskan unt jalan2 k bugis lg...
demi menghabiskan wkt gw memutuskan unt nonton The Incredible Hulk...
finally jam 5 gw balik k sklh n ngambil student pass gw...
gara2 itu gw gk bisa ikt maen bola dhe,, blm beres2 sama skali... hahaa...
parah jg nih... XD..
y seharian ini gw ngabisin $10 unt ongkos pulang pergi...
rekor buat gw.... hahahahhahaa....

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I've been tagged by lolla...

mm.. 10 random facts/habits about me...

1. gk banyak ngomong.. kcuali ama yg udh lama knal...
2. i prefer to use shoes than sandal..
3. i like to wear shirt than t-shirt...
4. hot / cold doesn't suit to me...
5. hobby duduk d depan laptop...
6. punya 3 shbt...
7. gk pengen tinggal d singapore lama2..
8. slalu doa pagi n malem.. :D..
9. anak cow paling tua...
10. hobby maen bola.. :D..

ok.. now, the 10 person are.... you,
haha.. gk tau siapa lg.. :D

Sunday, June 8, 2008


It's sunday again...

I'm very happy today, becoz my brother came to the youth service again after he lost to another dimension.. :P.. ehehe...
and then, welcome back to louisa and kuya from mission trip...
kuya looks very different today... black is sweet?? hahah.. maybe.. :P...

after the service,i felt tired..
that's why i didn't join grady and david to walking around orchard area,
i chose to go home and sleep..

happy Sunday everyone.. :p