Best Friend, someone (singular or plural) with whom one shares the strongest possible kind of friendship(s) occasionally in a flitty context ( based on wikipedia)..
I'm still looking (or waiting??) for my best friend here.. :P
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Best Friend..
Best friend...
I need best friend here, but i haven't found any here..
My simple pray to God, I need best friend here.. :)
All of my best friend are separated...
albert - jakarta
alex - bandung
pepe - US
daniel - jerman
stephan - jababeka
hendrik - stay d padang.. :D
why do we have to be separated?? only God knows.. :D
I need best friend here, but i haven't found any here..
My simple pray to God, I need best friend here.. :)
All of my best friend are separated...
albert - jakarta
alex - bandung
pepe - US
daniel - jerman
stephan - jababeka
hendrik - stay d padang.. :D
why do we have to be separated?? only God knows.. :D
Sunday, October 26, 2008
If u can't feel God, it doesn't mean He is not with u..
He is there, watching over u..
He is blessing u with the new anointing every morning..
Seek the Kingdom of God first, n u don't have to worry about the rest..
There's no problem that u can't overcome, because He knows your capacity..
Surely, He will help u to overcome it..
He is there, watching over u..
He is blessing u with the new anointing every morning..
Seek the Kingdom of God first, n u don't have to worry about the rest..
There's no problem that u can't overcome, because He knows your capacity..
Surely, He will help u to overcome it..
Saturday, October 18, 2008
hmm.. hr ini gw ikt SOW pertama gw..
wkt ditanyain, knapa sih gw mw melayani..
gw jwb krn gw rindu...
hmm.. emg sih, sejak 1x dateng k singapore n join k youth, gw emg pengen banget pelayanan d sini..
tp wkt itu sih, motivasinya bisa dibilang kurang bnr, krn gw mw melayani sbg salah satu jalan unt mempermudah kenalan n dapetin tmn2 baru d singapore... (salah gk sih..??)
haha.. tp y seiring dgn berjalannya waktu, gw mulai ngerti arti dr pelayanan gw..
terutama soal bayar harga tentang waktu..
sejak ditunjuk untuk menggantikan tugas ko alfon sbg pengurus multimedia n tugasnya wilkur sbg pengurus TLG Production, gw cukup banyak ngabisin wkt d greja...
tapi, ntah knapa, gw jg gk bgt merasa terbeban sih dgn hal ini.. gw melakukannya dgn cukup senang hati, krn tugas skolah gw gk numpuk spt d skolah2 lain sih.. haha..
tp meskipun bgt, gk stiap saat gw bisa terlibat.. credit buat andri n cuy2 yg sudah banyak membantu.. hehe..
Nah, kalo membicarakan soal posisi dan fungsi, gw merasa diri gw blm menjalankan fungsi gw dgn baik.. yah, masih perlu banyak belajar..
hmm.. smoga k depan gw semakin mengerti deh, arti dr pelayanan...
kalo bicara soal talenta.. sbnrnya gw masih cukup bingung sih.. tp yg jelas sejauh ini, yg gw tau talenta gw ada di bidang computer.. semoga benar..
wkt ditanyain, knapa sih gw mw melayani..
gw jwb krn gw rindu...
hmm.. emg sih, sejak 1x dateng k singapore n join k youth, gw emg pengen banget pelayanan d sini..
tp wkt itu sih, motivasinya bisa dibilang kurang bnr, krn gw mw melayani sbg salah satu jalan unt mempermudah kenalan n dapetin tmn2 baru d singapore... (salah gk sih..??)
haha.. tp y seiring dgn berjalannya waktu, gw mulai ngerti arti dr pelayanan gw..
terutama soal bayar harga tentang waktu..
sejak ditunjuk untuk menggantikan tugas ko alfon sbg pengurus multimedia n tugasnya wilkur sbg pengurus TLG Production, gw cukup banyak ngabisin wkt d greja...
tapi, ntah knapa, gw jg gk bgt merasa terbeban sih dgn hal ini.. gw melakukannya dgn cukup senang hati, krn tugas skolah gw gk numpuk spt d skolah2 lain sih.. haha..
tp meskipun bgt, gk stiap saat gw bisa terlibat.. credit buat andri n cuy2 yg sudah banyak membantu.. hehe..
Nah, kalo membicarakan soal posisi dan fungsi, gw merasa diri gw blm menjalankan fungsi gw dgn baik.. yah, masih perlu banyak belajar..
hmm.. smoga k depan gw semakin mengerti deh, arti dr pelayanan...
kalo bicara soal talenta.. sbnrnya gw masih cukup bingung sih.. tp yg jelas sejauh ini, yg gw tau talenta gw ada di bidang computer.. semoga benar..
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
badai T di T... ^^
Yesterday, i went to the church and as usual i was taking a video for tlg news..
but this time a lil bit different becoz, we have jend back from indo.. wehehehe..
so, we paired her with glenn..
there are some funny stuff yesterday, started from we're waiting for the key to open the camera box, we thought the keys with pak Iwan, but in fact the key is in the tray... (we had been waiting for 2 hours i think), then we started shooting.. a lot of "Stupid" things happened there..
i dont know why.. haha...
but the funniest thing is when jenita said.. ada badai T.... di T.... (sorry, i can't write it now)..
hehehe... all of us there were laughing together.. ^^..
overall the video taking was good.. haha... just enjoy it on saturday or sunday..
GBu all.. :)
but this time a lil bit different becoz, we have jend back from indo.. wehehehe..
so, we paired her with glenn..
there are some funny stuff yesterday, started from we're waiting for the key to open the camera box, we thought the keys with pak Iwan, but in fact the key is in the tray... (we had been waiting for 2 hours i think), then we started shooting.. a lot of "Stupid" things happened there..
i dont know why.. haha...
but the funniest thing is when jenita said.. ada badai T.... di T.... (sorry, i can't write it now)..
hehehe... all of us there were laughing together.. ^^..
overall the video taking was good.. haha... just enjoy it on saturday or sunday..
GBu all.. :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
Beberapa hari ini...
wah... akhirnya, mereka kembali juga (cc n dd)...
wew.. bbrapa hari yg melelahkan..
jalan2 d singapore, kliling2...
melelahkan sih buat org yg gk suka jalan2 spt gw... hehe...
y, namanya saudara sedang berkunjung..
mw gk mw hrs jd tour guide yg baik..
hmm.. bisa dikatakan mreka datang d saat tdk tepat..
krn hr ini gw ujian... wew... untung udh slesai.. hahaha..
minggu dpan baru libur...
err.. moga nilai ujiannya gk jelek deh... haha..gk punya banyak wkt blajar... (sok rajin)..
well, kmrn ini gw liat2 blog org..
sampailah d blognya si olin yg biasa bercerita tentang kejadian2 aneh yg dialaminya.. XD..
tp x ini gw temuin sesuatu yg berbeda..
berbicara tentang optimis..
x ini isinya cukup berguna.. hehe...
intinya sih dlm hidup kita hrs OPTIMIS, RENDAH HATI, sm BERANI AMBIL RESIKO..
haha...hal2 yg cukup sulit untuk dilakukan, tetapi masih dapat dilakukan sih..
hahaha... sesuatu yg patut dicoba.. XD
wew.. bbrapa hari yg melelahkan..
jalan2 d singapore, kliling2...
melelahkan sih buat org yg gk suka jalan2 spt gw... hehe...
y, namanya saudara sedang berkunjung..
mw gk mw hrs jd tour guide yg baik..
hmm.. bisa dikatakan mreka datang d saat tdk tepat..
krn hr ini gw ujian... wew... untung udh slesai.. hahaha..
minggu dpan baru libur...
err.. moga nilai ujiannya gk jelek deh... haha..gk punya banyak wkt blajar... (sok rajin)..
well, kmrn ini gw liat2 blog org..
sampailah d blognya si olin yg biasa bercerita tentang kejadian2 aneh yg dialaminya.. XD..
tp x ini gw temuin sesuatu yg berbeda..
berbicara tentang optimis..
x ini isinya cukup berguna.. hehe...
intinya sih dlm hidup kita hrs OPTIMIS, RENDAH HATI, sm BERANI AMBIL RESIKO..
haha...hal2 yg cukup sulit untuk dilakukan, tetapi masih dapat dilakukan sih..
hahaha... sesuatu yg patut dicoba.. XD
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
well.. lately, the news about milk from china "decorate" the newspaper..
It said there's melanin (if I'm not wrong -> that means I'm correct)
found in the milk....
well.. I was consuming dutch lady strawberry milk, which is one of the milk that are "infected"..
I like that milk, sadly I can't consume it since it's not good 4 health..
But, I dont know why,I've decided to not consume
that milk anymore be4 the news comes out..
Right now I'm still drinking a glass of milk everyday..
I hope this one is not infected.. hahaha...
It said there's melanin (if I'm not wrong -> that means I'm correct)
found in the milk....
well.. I was consuming dutch lady strawberry milk, which is one of the milk that are "infected"..
I like that milk, sadly I can't consume it since it's not good 4 health..
But, I dont know why,I've decided to not consume
that milk anymore be4 the news comes out..
Right now I'm still drinking a glass of milk everyday..
I hope this one is not infected.. hahaha...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Hm.. wonder why a lot of people are worried about their future..
I think we just need to be strong and courage just like what's God said to Joshua..
Just have faith in Him because your future is in His hand..
Actually, I'm a kind of person in category "cuek".. hehe..
I just believe that God has prepared the best thing for my future..
sometimes it's not good to be a 'cuek' person, because sometimes i don't care what am i doing, whether it's God's will or not..
but i realize that is wrong..
that's why I need to change my life style..
have faith in Him and do God's will.. that's the key.. :D
I think we just need to be strong and courage just like what's God said to Joshua..
Just have faith in Him because your future is in His hand..
Actually, I'm a kind of person in category "cuek".. hehe..
I just believe that God has prepared the best thing for my future..
sometimes it's not good to be a 'cuek' person, because sometimes i don't care what am i doing, whether it's God's will or not..
but i realize that is wrong..
that's why I need to change my life style..
have faith in Him and do God's will.. that's the key.. :D
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Ada apa dengan cinta??
Akhir2 ini gw banyak membaca hal yg "berbau" cinta nih..
terutama di bulan september ini..
hmm.. ada apa sih sebenarnya??
mistery bulan septemberkah?? haha..
gw sih gk tau..
hal2 berbau cinta yg gw maksud di sini sih bukan cuma soal pacaran aja sih..
tp juga cinta kita dgn Tuhan, keluarga, teman, dll, dkk, dsb..
lalu, ada apa sih dengan cinta??
mari kita simak hal berikut..
cinta hal yg bisa membuat hati seseorang berbunga2
cinta jg bisa membuat org sakit hati
pada saat datang, cinta begitu indah
pada saat pergi, rasanya mau mati x yah?? :D
cinta itu buta
atau org jd buta karena cinta (apa bedanya yah?? :D)
cinta itu seperti angin
tidak dapat disentuh, ataupun dilihat
cinta dapat dirasakan dan dapat diwujudkan
cinta itu dapat membuat kita lupa dengan keadaan sekitar
cinta itu pencemburu?? mungkin.. :)
cinta bagaikan api yang bernyala2 ketika datang
tetapi ketika pergi, cinta itu bagaikan api yang dipadamkan
dia akan menimbulkan "luka"
semua orang ingin dicintai
tetapi tidak semua orang bisa mencintai
Dapatkah kamu mencintai tanpa dicintai?? :D
God loves us without condition or we can say unconditional love.. :)
inspired by myself.. :p
terutama di bulan september ini..
hmm.. ada apa sih sebenarnya??
mistery bulan septemberkah?? haha..
gw sih gk tau..
hal2 berbau cinta yg gw maksud di sini sih bukan cuma soal pacaran aja sih..
tp juga cinta kita dgn Tuhan, keluarga, teman, dll, dkk, dsb..
lalu, ada apa sih dengan cinta??
mari kita simak hal berikut..
cinta hal yg bisa membuat hati seseorang berbunga2
cinta jg bisa membuat org sakit hati
pada saat datang, cinta begitu indah
pada saat pergi, rasanya mau mati x yah?? :D
cinta itu buta
atau org jd buta karena cinta (apa bedanya yah?? :D)
cinta itu seperti angin
tidak dapat disentuh, ataupun dilihat
cinta dapat dirasakan dan dapat diwujudkan
cinta itu dapat membuat kita lupa dengan keadaan sekitar
cinta itu pencemburu?? mungkin.. :)
cinta bagaikan api yang bernyala2 ketika datang
tetapi ketika pergi, cinta itu bagaikan api yang dipadamkan
dia akan menimbulkan "luka"
semua orang ingin dicintai
tetapi tidak semua orang bisa mencintai
Dapatkah kamu mencintai tanpa dicintai?? :D
God loves us without condition or we can say unconditional love.. :)
inspired by myself.. :p
Friday, September 12, 2008
beberapa hal.. :D
15 Things You Probably
Never Knew or Thought About
1. At least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.
bnr gk sih?? :D
Sunday, September 7, 2008
This conference was amazing..
especially yesterday night..
The concert was really really wonderful.. hehe.
And it's also nice to hear that, this is the last big event in these past few months.. hahaha..
I can't imagine if we have another event..
I'm tired already.. haha..
It started from tuesday for shooting, and then thursday for editing, friday morning editing, friday evening for youth conference opening, saturday full conference, and today is the last day..
Thanks God.. hehee..
But, besides that, these past 3 days was really2 amazing.. Received the new anointing, that's good.. hehee..
Well, it's the time to back to daily life.. :D..
especially yesterday night..
The concert was really really wonderful.. hehe.
And it's also nice to hear that, this is the last big event in these past few months.. hahaha..
I can't imagine if we have another event..
I'm tired already.. haha..
It started from tuesday for shooting, and then thursday for editing, friday morning editing, friday evening for youth conference opening, saturday full conference, and today is the last day..
Thanks God.. hehee..
But, besides that, these past 3 days was really2 amazing.. Received the new anointing, that's good.. hehee..
Well, it's the time to back to daily life.. :D..
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Praise God..
Saia tlah menemukan jawabannya..
stlah berkeliling n melalang buana dari satu blog k blog yg lain, akhirnya sampailah saia d blog ivan yg menceritakan tentang pengendalian diri..
suatu hal yg bagus n bisa jd pedoman buat saia.. hehe..
saia termasuk org yg sulit mengendalikan diri ato lbh dalemnya sih keinginan atawa hawa nafsu..
smuanya segera dilakukan ktika ada kesempatan.. wkwkw... spt maen game d laptop, online sharian tanpa blajar, dll, dsb, dkk....
nah, slth membaca blog ivan yg menyebutkan amsal 25:28.. segeralah saia membacanya..
dan kusadari, klo hal2 yg saia lakukan itu salah.. hal2 yg mengikuti keinginan daging..
hmm.. jd mulai saat ini jg saia akan berusaha.. ato berjanji x yah lbh bagus.. biar trikat skalian... XD..
hehe.. saia akan mengontrol diri saia dr hal2 yg tdk sesuai dgn kehendak Tuhan..
hehe.. nah, blog si ivan ini bagaikan amsal 25:12 n 25 nih buat saia.. hehe..
" thanks God for sending ivan n his blog " hehehe...
p.s: amsal ada 31 pasal.. 1 bulan ada 30-31 hari.. jd baca amsal 1 pasal 1 hari sesuai dgn tanggalnya.. krn d situ brisi banyak nasehat sih.. hehehe..
GBu all.. :D
Saia tlah menemukan jawabannya..
stlah berkeliling n melalang buana dari satu blog k blog yg lain, akhirnya sampailah saia d blog ivan yg menceritakan tentang pengendalian diri..
suatu hal yg bagus n bisa jd pedoman buat saia.. hehe..
saia termasuk org yg sulit mengendalikan diri ato lbh dalemnya sih keinginan atawa hawa nafsu..
smuanya segera dilakukan ktika ada kesempatan.. wkwkw... spt maen game d laptop, online sharian tanpa blajar, dll, dsb, dkk....
nah, slth membaca blog ivan yg menyebutkan amsal 25:28.. segeralah saia membacanya..
dan kusadari, klo hal2 yg saia lakukan itu salah.. hal2 yg mengikuti keinginan daging..
hmm.. jd mulai saat ini jg saia akan berusaha.. ato berjanji x yah lbh bagus.. biar trikat skalian... XD..
hehe.. saia akan mengontrol diri saia dr hal2 yg tdk sesuai dgn kehendak Tuhan..
hehe.. nah, blog si ivan ini bagaikan amsal 25:12 n 25 nih buat saia.. hehe..
" thanks God for sending ivan n his blog " hehehe...
p.s: amsal ada 31 pasal.. 1 bulan ada 30-31 hari.. jd baca amsal 1 pasal 1 hari sesuai dgn tanggalnya.. krn d situ brisi banyak nasehat sih.. hehehe..
GBu all.. :D
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sejauh mana saya mengenal kalian?? >_<
Darwin-> org 1 yg ngajak aq ngobrol wkt 1x datang k youth.. (benernya rani sih, yg wkt itu jd usher nuruh duduk d dpan.. >_<) orgnya baik, perhatian jg, a good leader, hanya sering sulit dalam membagi wkt antara kluarga, pacar n anggota FA.. :D
Albert-> a good brother, perhatian, suaranya bagus XD, bisa menggantikan k darwin sbg wakil ktua FA swaktu k darwin berhalangan, punya karisma yg bgs.. :D
Grady->funny brother.. :D.. cukup perhatian jg, baik jg, suka bercanda, enak diajak ngobrol, kekurangannya cuma kurang sabar dlm menghadapi masalah.. :)
David->punya personality yg bagus, rendah hati, suka menolong (sifat2 yg perlu ditiru.. :D), kelemahannya sih suka membatalkan sesuatu last minute.. >.<
Inge->narsis, asik diajak ngobrol, berpotensi (suaranya bagus nih..), narsis, mau terlibat dlm bbrp kegiatan (aktif), y cuma kadang2 sifat n sikapnya spt anak kecil.. hehhee..
Heru->baik, suka nolong jg, pekerja keras(??), GJ (hahaha..)
Rachel-> sedang dlm pertumbuhan rohani(trimakasih buat tmn2 yg udh bantu follow up dy), childish(mirip inge..)
Gunadi->pekerja keras, bentar lg mw nikah dy.. hehe.. baik jg, suka nolong jg, n orgnya serba tau.. haha...(silakan tanya apa aja sama dy, 90% dy pasti tau)
Danny->mm.. baik nih org, terlalu care, has a good voice, good tour leader I think.. kelemahannya sih, kadang terlalu berlebihan n suka mencetuskan ide yg aneh2.. :D..
Emka->koko yg baik.. :D.. meskipun gk deket sm sy.. jd gk bisa deskripsikan banyak2.. :D..
Cuy2->baik, bisa diajak kerja sama (apalagi kerja paksa.. haha.. bcanda dhe..), enak diajak ngobrol jg, mw membagi ilmu(multimedia tentunya.. :D)
Andreas->orgnya lucu, apalagi stlh tambah ndut.. wkwkwkw.. enak diajak ngobrol n becanda jg.. :D...
Rani->punya smangat '45 kayanya.. haha.. asik diajak ngobrol, bcanda jg.. hehe... "manusia malam"(krn kuliahnya malem) hahaha...
Devi->punya karakter yg unik, punya bakat fotografi (sama dgn grady n albert)
Jenita->crewet abizz.. hahaha.. enak diajak ngobrol jg.. orgnya cukup terbuka.. :D..
Y kira2 bgt lah diri saya mengenal tmn2 sampe saat ini, maaf kl ada kata2 yg salah.. jgn sampe sakit ati.. haha... masih banyak tmn2 yg lain yg gk bisa disebutin.. trus yg gk ada kelemahannya mgkn krn gw blm bgt dekat dgn kalian x yah.. >_<.. kalo yg udh ada kelemahannya sih, y itu krn gw udh mengenal kalian cukup lama.. hehehe... yg dr FA k david gw emg gk tau kelemahannya apa.. (maklum, emg jarang berkumpul bersama.. hehehe..) sekianlah blog ini slesai gw buat pd wkt 2.24 AM... Hmm.. gw jg mw tau nih kekurangan gw apa aja.. :D.. tolong dicomment yah.. >_<.. hehe.. GBu all...
Albert-> a good brother, perhatian, suaranya bagus XD, bisa menggantikan k darwin sbg wakil ktua FA swaktu k darwin berhalangan, punya karisma yg bgs.. :D
Grady->funny brother.. :D.. cukup perhatian jg, baik jg, suka bercanda, enak diajak ngobrol, kekurangannya cuma kurang sabar dlm menghadapi masalah.. :)
David->punya personality yg bagus, rendah hati, suka menolong (sifat2 yg perlu ditiru.. :D), kelemahannya sih suka membatalkan sesuatu last minute.. >.<
Inge->narsis, asik diajak ngobrol, berpotensi (suaranya bagus nih..), narsis, mau terlibat dlm bbrp kegiatan (aktif), y cuma kadang2 sifat n sikapnya spt anak kecil.. hehhee..
Heru->baik, suka nolong jg, pekerja keras(??), GJ (hahaha..)
Rachel-> sedang dlm pertumbuhan rohani(trimakasih buat tmn2 yg udh bantu follow up dy), childish(mirip inge..)
Gunadi->pekerja keras, bentar lg mw nikah dy.. hehe.. baik jg, suka nolong jg, n orgnya serba tau.. haha...(silakan tanya apa aja sama dy, 90% dy pasti tau)
Danny->mm.. baik nih org, terlalu care, has a good voice, good tour leader I think.. kelemahannya sih, kadang terlalu berlebihan n suka mencetuskan ide yg aneh2.. :D..
Emka->koko yg baik.. :D.. meskipun gk deket sm sy.. jd gk bisa deskripsikan banyak2.. :D..
Cuy2->baik, bisa diajak kerja sama (apalagi kerja paksa.. haha.. bcanda dhe..), enak diajak ngobrol jg, mw membagi ilmu(multimedia tentunya.. :D)
Andreas->orgnya lucu, apalagi stlh tambah ndut.. wkwkwkw.. enak diajak ngobrol n becanda jg.. :D...
Rani->punya smangat '45 kayanya.. haha.. asik diajak ngobrol, bcanda jg.. hehe... "manusia malam"(krn kuliahnya malem) hahaha...
Devi->punya karakter yg unik, punya bakat fotografi (sama dgn grady n albert)
Jenita->crewet abizz.. hahaha.. enak diajak ngobrol jg.. orgnya cukup terbuka.. :D..
Y kira2 bgt lah diri saya mengenal tmn2 sampe saat ini, maaf kl ada kata2 yg salah.. jgn sampe sakit ati.. haha... masih banyak tmn2 yg lain yg gk bisa disebutin.. trus yg gk ada kelemahannya mgkn krn gw blm bgt dekat dgn kalian x yah.. >_<.. kalo yg udh ada kelemahannya sih, y itu krn gw udh mengenal kalian cukup lama.. hehehe... yg dr FA k david gw emg gk tau kelemahannya apa.. (maklum, emg jarang berkumpul bersama.. hehehe..) sekianlah blog ini slesai gw buat pd wkt 2.24 AM... Hmm.. gw jg mw tau nih kekurangan gw apa aja.. :D.. tolong dicomment yah.. >_<.. hehe.. GBu all...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Ya... udh bbrp hari ini gw pindah rumah dr hougang.....
udh diusir... (gk lha.. ).. hehe..
tmn bokap ngasih tempat tinggal d rmhnya, jd y aq pindah d...
rumah kosong, sepi, sendiri........ jauh dr tmp makan.. waaah...
tp tempatnya lumayan enak sih.. so no problem dhe..
yg jd masalah sih sepinya...... sendirian, hampir tiap hari...
hahaha.. is it the time to talk more to God?? hehe.. i think yes.. :P..
moga aja bisa terealisasi.. hahaha...
udh diusir... (gk lha.. ).. hehe..
tmn bokap ngasih tempat tinggal d rmhnya, jd y aq pindah d...
rumah kosong, sepi, sendiri........ jauh dr tmp makan.. waaah...
tp tempatnya lumayan enak sih.. so no problem dhe..
yg jd masalah sih sepinya...... sendirian, hampir tiap hari...
hahaha.. is it the time to talk more to God?? hehe.. i think yes.. :P..
moga aja bisa terealisasi.. hahaha...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
I'm back...
Finally... after short holiday... I'm back to singapore...
back to using small amount money...
gk sampe beratus2 ribu.. hehehe... :D
idup mandiri lagi....
mm.. rasanya liburannya kurang panjang nih.. :D
haha... but, time keep moving...
Hi singapore... :)
back to using small amount money...
gk sampe beratus2 ribu.. hehehe... :D
idup mandiri lagi....
mm.. rasanya liburannya kurang panjang nih.. :D
haha... but, time keep moving...
Hi singapore... :)
Monday, June 23, 2008
Rekor... !! :P
The first thing is.. buesok gw balik indo....
horeee.. !!!
mm.. untuk mencapai hal ini gw butuh banyak perjuangan nih...
mulai dr apply k skolah buat leave sebulan.. haha...
trus sampe ngurusing student pass gw yg mw abis bulan depan..
trus assignment gw yg selesai last minute...
mantep dah.. :D...
tp yg jd rekor y hr ini...
hari sblm gw kembali...
td pagi k sklh mw ngurusin student pass...
trus pergi k ICA...
sesampainya d sana, gw baru nyadar kl lupa bw passport.. hahaha..
trus dgn terpaksa n terburu2 gw balik k rumah...
balik lg k ICA... selagi menunggu student pass gw ada..
pergi makan dulu k bugis... :D
hehe.. trus jam 2 balik lg k ICA..
mw ngambil student pass.. eh, kata petugas sklh gw gk bisa ambil skrg..
krn ada kontrak yg hrs ditandatangani.. disuruh balik k sklh jam 5... --"
akhirnya gw memutuskan unt jalan2 k bugis lg...
demi menghabiskan wkt gw memutuskan unt nonton The Incredible Hulk...
finally jam 5 gw balik k sklh n ngambil student pass gw...
gara2 itu gw gk bisa ikt maen bola dhe,, blm beres2 sama skali... hahaa...
parah jg nih... XD..
y seharian ini gw ngabisin $10 unt ongkos pulang pergi...
rekor buat gw.... hahahahhahaa....
horeee.. !!!
mm.. untuk mencapai hal ini gw butuh banyak perjuangan nih...
mulai dr apply k skolah buat leave sebulan.. haha...
trus sampe ngurusing student pass gw yg mw abis bulan depan..
trus assignment gw yg selesai last minute...
mantep dah.. :D...
tp yg jd rekor y hr ini...
hari sblm gw kembali...
td pagi k sklh mw ngurusin student pass...
trus pergi k ICA...
sesampainya d sana, gw baru nyadar kl lupa bw passport.. hahaha..
trus dgn terpaksa n terburu2 gw balik k rumah...
balik lg k ICA... selagi menunggu student pass gw ada..
pergi makan dulu k bugis... :D
hehe.. trus jam 2 balik lg k ICA..
mw ngambil student pass.. eh, kata petugas sklh gw gk bisa ambil skrg..
krn ada kontrak yg hrs ditandatangani.. disuruh balik k sklh jam 5... --"
akhirnya gw memutuskan unt jalan2 k bugis lg...
demi menghabiskan wkt gw memutuskan unt nonton The Incredible Hulk...
finally jam 5 gw balik k sklh n ngambil student pass gw...
gara2 itu gw gk bisa ikt maen bola dhe,, blm beres2 sama skali... hahaa...
parah jg nih... XD..
y seharian ini gw ngabisin $10 unt ongkos pulang pergi...
rekor buat gw.... hahahahhahaa....
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I've been tagged by lolla...
mm.. 10 random facts/habits about me...
1. gk banyak ngomong.. kcuali ama yg udh lama knal...
2. i prefer to use shoes than sandal..
3. i like to wear shirt than t-shirt...
4. hot / cold doesn't suit to me...
5. hobby duduk d depan laptop...
6. punya 3 shbt...
7. gk pengen tinggal d singapore lama2..
8. slalu doa pagi n malem.. :D..
9. anak cow paling tua...
10. hobby maen bola.. :D..
ok.. now, the 10 person are.... you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,...
haha.. gk tau siapa lg.. :D
mm.. 10 random facts/habits about me...
1. gk banyak ngomong.. kcuali ama yg udh lama knal...
2. i prefer to use shoes than sandal..
3. i like to wear shirt than t-shirt...
4. hot / cold doesn't suit to me...
5. hobby duduk d depan laptop...
6. punya 3 shbt...
7. gk pengen tinggal d singapore lama2..
8. slalu doa pagi n malem.. :D..
9. anak cow paling tua...
10. hobby maen bola.. :D..
ok.. now, the 10 person are.... you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,you,...
haha.. gk tau siapa lg.. :D
Sunday, June 8, 2008
It's sunday again...
I'm very happy today, becoz my brother came to the youth service again after he lost to another dimension.. :P.. ehehe...
and then, welcome back to louisa and kuya from mission trip...
kuya looks very different today... black is sweet?? hahah.. maybe.. :P...
after the service,i felt tired..
that's why i didn't join grady and david to walking around orchard area,
i chose to go home and sleep..
happy Sunday everyone.. :p
I'm very happy today, becoz my brother came to the youth service again after he lost to another dimension.. :P.. ehehe...
and then, welcome back to louisa and kuya from mission trip...
kuya looks very different today... black is sweet?? hahah.. maybe.. :P...
after the service,i felt tired..
that's why i didn't join grady and david to walking around orchard area,
i chose to go home and sleep..
happy Sunday everyone.. :p
Friday, May 30, 2008
miss buss... :P
Hmm.. kmrn ini br 1x nya gw gk skolah gara2 sakit..
sakitnya gk parah2 amat sih... cm sakit kpala y jd gk sklh..
krn gk mgkn bs blajar...
mm.. kalo udh sakit gt, bawaannya pengen pulang k indo dhe..
bnr gk?? ato cm gw aja yah??
btw, i'm really2 miss my family...
my lil sista, bro.. n my big sista...
also both of my parents..
my soulmate.. :P.. also my "mam" -> my soulmate mother.. hehehe..
well.. unfortunately.. i got holiday from school only 1 week...
wew.. maybe i can go back to indo for 1 week..
but i dont think i'll satisfied enough...
today, i helped wilkur to make BCS news at OHGS..
after that, i decided to go home by bus...
i decided to go to serangoon, because it's faster i think..
It's true.. it was faster, because the bus driver almost as same as bus driver in indo..
well.. on the way to serangoon, i saw quite beautiful girl there.. hehe..
I'm happy for being single.. :P
(moga2 aja ngerti knp gw happy) hahahaha... :P
sakitnya gk parah2 amat sih... cm sakit kpala y jd gk sklh..
krn gk mgkn bs blajar...
mm.. kalo udh sakit gt, bawaannya pengen pulang k indo dhe..
bnr gk?? ato cm gw aja yah??
btw, i'm really2 miss my family...
my lil sista, bro.. n my big sista...
also both of my parents..
my soulmate.. :P.. also my "mam" -> my soulmate mother.. hehehe..
well.. unfortunately.. i got holiday from school only 1 week...
wew.. maybe i can go back to indo for 1 week..
but i dont think i'll satisfied enough...
today, i helped wilkur to make BCS news at OHGS..
after that, i decided to go home by bus...
i decided to go to serangoon, because it's faster i think..
It's true.. it was faster, because the bus driver almost as same as bus driver in indo..
well.. on the way to serangoon, i saw quite beautiful girl there.. hehe..
I'm happy for being single.. :P
(moga2 aja ngerti knp gw happy) hahahaha... :P
Sunday, May 25, 2008
fun, mad, tired..... :P
cape jg yah...
seminggu full bantuin c lena d toko...
wew..... capenya amit2,,
eh, bukan d toko yah..
pengalaman pertama melayani customer..
capee... apalagi gw gk bisa bahasa chinese...
gw, inge, chris, irene, c lena, jen, ko bonar... gk ada yg bisa ngomong chinese dgn lancar..
kalo udh ketemu aunty2 susah dhe..
tp y overall it's fun dhe..
cape nya sih lbh banyak dr pada fun..
padahal banyak bengong nungguin customer doank..
akhirnya hari libur gw gk bisa gw pake unt bobok ampe siang...
hahaha.. :P
cape jg yah...
seminggu full bantuin c lena d toko...
wew..... capenya amit2,,
eh, bukan d toko yah..
pengalaman pertama melayani customer..
capee... apalagi gw gk bisa bahasa chinese...
gw, inge, chris, irene, c lena, jen, ko bonar... gk ada yg bisa ngomong chinese dgn lancar..
kalo udh ketemu aunty2 susah dhe..
tp y overall it's fun dhe..
cape nya sih lbh banyak dr pada fun..
padahal banyak bengong nungguin customer doank..
akhirnya hari libur gw gk bisa gw pake unt bobok ampe siang...
hahaha.. :P
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Yuhuuu.. XD
Akhirnya selesai jg..
module programming yg ckp rumit buat newbie..
selesai.. hore2... XD...
asik.. bisa melepaskan lelah sementara dr programming..
meskipun gw suka sih..
ahh... bisa konsentrasi k persiapan UNplUggeD..
si jen ama david jg udh selesai..
horee juga...
Thx God..
bless our exam, so we can get the highest mark..
Tq Dad..
Amen222... XD
module programming yg ckp rumit buat newbie..
selesai.. hore2... XD...
asik.. bisa melepaskan lelah sementara dr programming..
meskipun gw suka sih..
ahh... bisa konsentrasi k persiapan UNplUggeD..
si jen ama david jg udh selesai..
horee juga...
Thx God..
bless our exam, so we can get the highest mark..
Tq Dad..
Amen222... XD
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
.....cepet juga..
gk trasa udh 11 bulan gw d singapore..
cpt jg yah waktu berlalu..
bhs inggris gw gmn yah?? XD..
ah.. bsk gw udh ujian lagi..
tinggal selesaikan 1 subject lagi.. Diploma gw selesai..
waktu berlalu dgn cepat..
bentar lagi gw udh umur 19.. The last age for teenager kata ko bonar.. XD...
iy sih.. soalnya 20 udh gk teenager lagi.. hahaha..
well.. kalo gt gw cm punya wkt lbh kurang 15thn lagi unt mencapai target mimpi gw..
cpt amat yah...
mm.. smoga rohani gw jg cepat dhe tumbuhnya..
ahaha... (Amin2)..
Please Bless my exam DAD.. :)
GBu all..
cpt jg yah waktu berlalu..
bhs inggris gw gmn yah?? XD..
ah.. bsk gw udh ujian lagi..
tinggal selesaikan 1 subject lagi.. Diploma gw selesai..
waktu berlalu dgn cepat..
bentar lagi gw udh umur 19.. The last age for teenager kata ko bonar.. XD...
iy sih.. soalnya 20 udh gk teenager lagi.. hahaha..
well.. kalo gt gw cm punya wkt lbh kurang 15thn lagi unt mencapai target mimpi gw..
cpt amat yah...
mm.. smoga rohani gw jg cepat dhe tumbuhnya..
ahaha... (Amin2)..
Please Bless my exam DAD.. :)
GBu all..
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
This is the REAL world..
akhirnya gw ngeblog lagi... hehe..
Today, i was playing football for my school..
becoz quite a lot nigerian in my school, you can say that, almost all of the footballer is coming from nigeria.. some from sri lanka, 1 mongol, 1 vietnam, 1 indo.. hehe..
in my team, the captain, vice captain, and playmaker, all from nigeria, i was playing, as a right winger...
( i have no choice, besides that, I'm started to love this position.. :P)..
Ok, the playmaker hold the ball to long, dribble by himself, wants to beat the player by himself, and almost never pass the ball to me although i was free... i think he can turn his head to the right.. :P
so on the first round, i almost never touch the ball..
fortunately on the second half, the playmaker change the position into left winger..
this is good, because i can get the pass from another person..
but, there's a thing made me confused..
when i had a chance in penalty area to shoot the ball, he suddenly came from the back to stole my ball.. OH MY GOOD... is he mad??
even the coach also take position as referee shocked.. and he gave a warning to my friend..
well, my team won this game, thanks to him, who can dribble and score the goal from his selfishness..
after the game, when i walked to bus stop, one of my nigerian friend told me "he doesn't like you, he want to make you look bad".. well, ok, i just realize that, when i played, and made a mistake, he'll blame me, but he never admit for his mistake... well, this is the real world, in front of me, he looks friendly, but the truth is he doesn't like me.. ( this is not the first time he did this to me )..
well.. but, i the point is, in real world, when you have a good position, there's some people who are not happy, and they will use all methods to bring you down.. now, it depend on us how do we respond about this.. you have strong mentality or weak.. this is just a small example for the real world.. so, prepare yourself to challenge everything that prevent you to achieve your dream.. Iin the RIGHT way of course.. :D
btw, when I was on the way to home, there's a girl came across me.. quite fat girl.. and the thing is.. i smelled something, neither perfume nor cologne, but "armpit's flavour".. and i can smelled that until 1 meter ahead me.. OH mY GOD... i almost drunk.. :P
hahaha... SO THIS IS THE REAL WORD... hahahahhaa.. :D
GBU.. :P
Today, i was playing football for my school..
becoz quite a lot nigerian in my school, you can say that, almost all of the footballer is coming from nigeria.. some from sri lanka, 1 mongol, 1 vietnam, 1 indo.. hehe..
in my team, the captain, vice captain, and playmaker, all from nigeria, i was playing, as a right winger...
( i have no choice, besides that, I'm started to love this position.. :P)..
Ok, the playmaker hold the ball to long, dribble by himself, wants to beat the player by himself, and almost never pass the ball to me although i was free... i think he can turn his head to the right.. :P
so on the first round, i almost never touch the ball..
fortunately on the second half, the playmaker change the position into left winger..
this is good, because i can get the pass from another person..
but, there's a thing made me confused..
when i had a chance in penalty area to shoot the ball, he suddenly came from the back to stole my ball.. OH MY GOOD... is he mad??
even the coach also take position as referee shocked.. and he gave a warning to my friend..
well, my team won this game, thanks to him, who can dribble and score the goal from his selfishness..
after the game, when i walked to bus stop, one of my nigerian friend told me "he doesn't like you, he want to make you look bad".. well, ok, i just realize that, when i played, and made a mistake, he'll blame me, but he never admit for his mistake... well, this is the real world, in front of me, he looks friendly, but the truth is he doesn't like me.. ( this is not the first time he did this to me )..
well.. but, i the point is, in real world, when you have a good position, there's some people who are not happy, and they will use all methods to bring you down.. now, it depend on us how do we respond about this.. you have strong mentality or weak.. this is just a small example for the real world.. so, prepare yourself to challenge everything that prevent you to achieve your dream.. Iin the RIGHT way of course.. :D
btw, when I was on the way to home, there's a girl came across me.. quite fat girl.. and the thing is.. i smelled something, neither perfume nor cologne, but "armpit's flavour".. and i can smelled that until 1 meter ahead me.. OH mY GOD... i almost drunk.. :P
hahaha... SO THIS IS THE REAL WORD... hahahahhaa.. :D
GBU.. :P
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Leader Retreat..
y, krn hr ini udh jumat maka gw mulai dgn 2 days ago.. :D
hehe.. it held on....... lupa nih namanya.. :D
haha.. yg jelas dkt buona vista or harbour front gt dhe..
padahal MRTnya jauh yah..
Ok, di hari 1...
malem2, stlh makan, istri ko omar kotbah buat kita2.. :D
mm.. krn pengerja smua, jadi ditembak abiszz aja dhe kayanya...
hehe.. omongannya cukup keras.. intinya sih berbicara ttg kekudusan.. :D..
hehe.. trus.. kembali k kasih mula2.. krn itu penting banget.. XD...
haha... gw udh lama jg nih "lari" dr Tuhan... parah2..
waktunya bertobat.. :D..
trus dilanjutkan dgn rekonsiliasi...
ngelap2 kaki.. :D.. krn gk pake air.. hehe..
y, dgn itu, berakhirlah acara di hari 1.. :D..
on the next day, after breakfast.. we were given a chance to give kindness to other people..
i was in group 7.. we went to buona vista market... but we found it's a little bit difficult to give kindness in singapore.. y, finally we found some people to be helped.. XD..
after that, we came back, having lunch and go to next 2 sessions with neil smith?? as the preacher..
OK, that's all.. i learned a lot of things from this retreat.. :D...
GBU all.. for those who are in exam.. gud luck.. :D..
hehe.. it held on....... lupa nih namanya.. :D
haha.. yg jelas dkt buona vista or harbour front gt dhe..
padahal MRTnya jauh yah..
Ok, di hari 1...
malem2, stlh makan, istri ko omar kotbah buat kita2.. :D
mm.. krn pengerja smua, jadi ditembak abiszz aja dhe kayanya...
hehe.. omongannya cukup keras.. intinya sih berbicara ttg kekudusan.. :D..
hehe.. trus.. kembali k kasih mula2.. krn itu penting banget.. XD...
haha... gw udh lama jg nih "lari" dr Tuhan... parah2..
waktunya bertobat.. :D..
trus dilanjutkan dgn rekonsiliasi...
ngelap2 kaki.. :D.. krn gk pake air.. hehe..
y, dgn itu, berakhirlah acara di hari 1.. :D..
on the next day, after breakfast.. we were given a chance to give kindness to other people..
i was in group 7.. we went to buona vista market... but we found it's a little bit difficult to give kindness in singapore.. y, finally we found some people to be helped.. XD..
after that, we came back, having lunch and go to next 2 sessions with neil smith?? as the preacher..
OK, that's all.. i learned a lot of things from this retreat.. :D...
GBU all.. for those who are in exam.. gud luck.. :D..
Monday, April 28, 2008
Today i woke up as usual, 7am...
but i felt that today's very hot..
hotter than usual...
but, i still brought my jacket to school, becoz i study at computer lab..
the AC always set on 17 degree..
i can't stand on it..
in the afternoon i felt that it's hotter than in the morning..
the temperature almost as same as padang city..
so i feel like home... XD
although my family isn't here..
until now, i still feel today's hot..
hmm.. now I'm waiting till 12 o'clock to celebrate ko bonar's birthday..
hehe... 29 april, also ko david's birthday, isn't it??
happy b'day to both of you..
but i felt that today's very hot..
hotter than usual...
but, i still brought my jacket to school, becoz i study at computer lab..
the AC always set on 17 degree..
i can't stand on it..
in the afternoon i felt that it's hotter than in the morning..
the temperature almost as same as padang city..
so i feel like home... XD
although my family isn't here..
until now, i still feel today's hot..
hmm.. now I'm waiting till 12 o'clock to celebrate ko bonar's birthday..
hehe... 29 april, also ko david's birthday, isn't it??
happy b'day to both of you..
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Again.. ;D
Today i must reboot my laptop once again..
becoz' it's error when i wanted to install alkohol 120..
but, we must learn from experience...
i lost all of my data before..
but now, i've backup all of my data to the safety place..
so, it wont be lost if my laptop get an error like this.. :D
this time, i just reboot it once..
not like before, i need to reboot it 5 times.. becoz i've known how to fix the problem...
now my laptop can work as usual... :)..
btw, about football...
well.. I a little bit dissapointed, because my team didn't won againts chelsea in champion league..
wew.. that's ok, just try to think positive, because my team still have another chance.. :D
You'll never Walk Alone...
NEver... :D
becoz' it's error when i wanted to install alkohol 120..
but, we must learn from experience...
i lost all of my data before..
but now, i've backup all of my data to the safety place..
so, it wont be lost if my laptop get an error like this.. :D
this time, i just reboot it once..
not like before, i need to reboot it 5 times.. becoz i've known how to fix the problem...
now my laptop can work as usual... :)..
btw, about football...
well.. I a little bit dissapointed, because my team didn't won againts chelsea in champion league..
wew.. that's ok, just try to think positive, because my team still have another chance.. :D
You'll never Walk Alone...
NEver... :D
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Pulau Lantai(PL).. :D
senangnya bisa k ubin lagi.. :D..
meskipun banyak yg cancel n gk jadi pergi sih..
hasilnya kami ttp pergi beranggotakan 7 "cowok"..
gw, grady, gunadi, (<- 3G.. :D), albert, Abang DAvid.. :P, heru(dateng telat), n "inneke".. hahaha..
meskipun disuruh ngumpul jam 11.30, ttp aja, namanya org indo pasti ngaret... :D
y akhirnya jam 2 sampe jg d PL.. :D..
nyewa sepeda... dihargai $8... trus aunty nya kasih $7 buat kita..
tp y maklum kita org indo.. dikasih angin dikit langsung d kita tawar lagi..
$6... pertama sih dy gk mau.. trus kita pura2 mw cari k tmp lain..
akhirnya dikasih jg.. :D..
hahaha.. THX GOD.. ;D
y, jalan2 dr pantai k pantai.. ngelilingin setengah dr pulau ubin...
tapi session yg gk terlupakan kl jalan2 pastinya ada foto2.. :D
pake 3 kamera lagi.. :D..
mantep dah.. padahal cm 7 personil..
hv fun banget d..
cm wkt pulang, pas ada turunan, sepeda gw ngebut...
pas di tikungan, gw liat traktor gede nutupin jalan..
langsung ngerem mendadak n pastinya jatoh..
haha.. bahu kiri yg paling sakit krn kebentur... (gk tau apa, stang ato aspal)..
haha... tp y so far so good lha..
gk ada masalah serius.. :D..
pulangnya makan d warung penyet di dkt sana.. :D...
yah, berakhirlah vacation hr ini.. ;D..
A woNdErful day.. :D
senangnya bisa k ubin lagi.. :D..
meskipun banyak yg cancel n gk jadi pergi sih..
hasilnya kami ttp pergi beranggotakan 7 "cowok"..
gw, grady, gunadi, (<- 3G.. :D), albert, Abang DAvid.. :P, heru(dateng telat), n "inneke".. hahaha..
meskipun disuruh ngumpul jam 11.30, ttp aja, namanya org indo pasti ngaret... :D
y akhirnya jam 2 sampe jg d PL.. :D..
nyewa sepeda... dihargai $8... trus aunty nya kasih $7 buat kita..
tp y maklum kita org indo.. dikasih angin dikit langsung d kita tawar lagi..
$6... pertama sih dy gk mau.. trus kita pura2 mw cari k tmp lain..
akhirnya dikasih jg.. :D..
hahaha.. THX GOD.. ;D
y, jalan2 dr pantai k pantai.. ngelilingin setengah dr pulau ubin...
tapi session yg gk terlupakan kl jalan2 pastinya ada foto2.. :D
pake 3 kamera lagi.. :D..
mantep dah.. padahal cm 7 personil..
hv fun banget d..
cm wkt pulang, pas ada turunan, sepeda gw ngebut...
pas di tikungan, gw liat traktor gede nutupin jalan..
langsung ngerem mendadak n pastinya jatoh..
haha.. bahu kiri yg paling sakit krn kebentur... (gk tau apa, stang ato aspal)..
haha... tp y so far so good lha..
gk ada masalah serius.. :D..
pulangnya makan d warung penyet di dkt sana.. :D...
yah, berakhirlah vacation hr ini.. ;D..
A woNdErful day.. :D
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Let The Words of God Abide in YOU... :D
mm.. FA hr ini tentang conversation with God..
well.. rasanya udh lama juga nih gk denger suara Tuhan secara "sadar".. :D
y apa udh kehilangan kasih mula2 ya??
mm.. tp Tuhan ttp nunjukin jalanNya...
Tuhan tetap ngobrol sama kita..
meskipun kadang kita gk "sadar"..
hal ini rasanya juga perlu dipelajari deh.. :D..
belajar untuk lebih peka lagi mendengar suara Tuhan.. :D..
Belajar sampai tua nih.. :D...
well.. rasanya udh lama juga nih gk denger suara Tuhan secara "sadar".. :D
y apa udh kehilangan kasih mula2 ya??
mm.. tp Tuhan ttp nunjukin jalanNya...
Tuhan tetap ngobrol sama kita..
meskipun kadang kita gk "sadar"..
hal ini rasanya juga perlu dipelajari deh.. :D..
belajar untuk lebih peka lagi mendengar suara Tuhan.. :D..
Belajar sampai tua nih.. :D...
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Blm ada perubahan....
Well... kmrn malem.. wkt lagi chat sm jen..
trus si jend bilang "gw ngiri nih liat blognya lolla"..
krn gw gk punya linknya.. trus dy ksh..
stlh gw liat.. y gw jg gk tau sih apanya yg buat dy ngiri.. :D..
mm.. y trus gw tanya sih k si jen apanya yg buat dy ngiri..
trus dy bilang lu emg gk ngerti pemikiran cew ghe..
hmm.. stlh jen bilang bgt..
gw tiba2 nyadar.. kl hal itu emg bener..
well... y gw jd ingat dg mantan gw...
gw sp sekarang masih dikit banget ngerti ttg dy..
gw masih blm bisa ngerti apa yg dipikiran dy..
dy mwnya apa...
masih banyak yg blm gw ngerti...
jd y hebat gt dy bs bertahan sm gw selama 1 thn ++..
well.. pas chat ama jen selesai..
gw lg chat ama rancu..
y gw nanya2 ttg pemikiran wanita...
meskipun udh dijelasin cukup panjang sm rancu..
yg gw dapet ttp aja cm sedikit..
parah nih gw jd cow...
hrs lbh banyak belajar lagi.. :D....
Anybody want to teach me?? :D
trus si jend bilang "gw ngiri nih liat blognya lolla"..
krn gw gk punya linknya.. trus dy ksh..
stlh gw liat.. y gw jg gk tau sih apanya yg buat dy ngiri.. :D..
mm.. y trus gw tanya sih k si jen apanya yg buat dy ngiri..
trus dy bilang lu emg gk ngerti pemikiran cew ghe..
hmm.. stlh jen bilang bgt..
gw tiba2 nyadar.. kl hal itu emg bener..
well... y gw jd ingat dg mantan gw...
gw sp sekarang masih dikit banget ngerti ttg dy..
gw masih blm bisa ngerti apa yg dipikiran dy..
dy mwnya apa...
masih banyak yg blm gw ngerti...
jd y hebat gt dy bs bertahan sm gw selama 1 thn ++..
well.. pas chat ama jen selesai..
gw lg chat ama rancu..
y gw nanya2 ttg pemikiran wanita...
meskipun udh dijelasin cukup panjang sm rancu..
yg gw dapet ttp aja cm sedikit..
parah nih gw jd cow...
hrs lbh banyak belajar lagi.. :D....
Anybody want to teach me?? :D
Monday, April 14, 2008
wah... udh libur lg...
gk kerasa gw udh selesai ujian lg..
udh nyelesaikan 5 mata pelajaran... :D..
hehe.. udh 10 bln d sing...
hope my english getting better.. hahaha...
hr ini bosen...
maklum gk sklh..
mm.. ngomong2 ttg sklh.. congratz buat inge yg udh sklh lagi..
hore3... (males ngetik 3x, tp ngetik penjelasan mau panjang2)..
mm.. td liat2 fs..
liat2 profilenya si albert (my best fren).. kuliah d jkt..
liat ada comment mengejutkan... hahahhaa..
liat statusnya, ternyata udh berubah..
The first ever relationship in his life.. (mendramatisir nih)..
stlh dulu pernah ditolak cew 2 ato 3 x kl gk salah..
COngRATZZ mas.. :D...
giliran gw kapan y?? hahahahhaa....
not the first time for sure..
gk kerasa gw udh selesai ujian lg..
udh nyelesaikan 5 mata pelajaran... :D..
hehe.. udh 10 bln d sing...
hope my english getting better.. hahaha...
hr ini bosen...
maklum gk sklh..
mm.. ngomong2 ttg sklh.. congratz buat inge yg udh sklh lagi..
hore3... (males ngetik 3x, tp ngetik penjelasan mau panjang2)..
mm.. td liat2 fs..
liat2 profilenya si albert (my best fren).. kuliah d jkt..
liat ada comment mengejutkan... hahahhaa..
liat statusnya, ternyata udh berubah..
The first ever relationship in his life.. (mendramatisir nih)..
stlh dulu pernah ditolak cew 2 ato 3 x kl gk salah..
COngRATZZ mas.. :D...
giliran gw kapan y?? hahahahhaa....
not the first time for sure..
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Different day....
Mm.. hr stlh ujian selesai jd banyak waktu free..
sewaktu ujian sbnrnya jg ttp banyak sih.. :D..
jumat kmrn k Planet Shakers bnr2 seneng n bs merasakan hadirat Tuhan...
gk nyesel datengnya...
y kesempatan yg jarang2 didapat... cm selama d sing aja br bs ikt hal2 spt ini..
bedanya dg Don Moen thn lalu yg ini punya jiwa yg lebih muda.. :D..
y trus sabtunya doa pengerja sm grady..
biasa, grady gw tarik meskipun bukan pengerja.. :D..
denger kotbahnya pak nico...
trus pulangnya liatin andreas audisi singer...
kasian dy grogi d depan...
banyak yg ngeliatin...
trus pulangnya jalan sama FAnya k david...
nyelip di FA org lain skali2 sm grady..
makan di Boat Quay.. masakan padang...
tetep yg asli d padang lebih enak... hahahaha... :D..
tiruan gk bisa ngalahin yg original...
ahahha... hari yg menyenangkan.. :D...
btw2... lagi nunggu pasangan baru muncul lagi nih di Youth BCS...
hehehe.. :D...
GBu all...
sewaktu ujian sbnrnya jg ttp banyak sih.. :D..
jumat kmrn k Planet Shakers bnr2 seneng n bs merasakan hadirat Tuhan...
gk nyesel datengnya...
y kesempatan yg jarang2 didapat... cm selama d sing aja br bs ikt hal2 spt ini..
bedanya dg Don Moen thn lalu yg ini punya jiwa yg lebih muda.. :D..
y trus sabtunya doa pengerja sm grady..
biasa, grady gw tarik meskipun bukan pengerja.. :D..
denger kotbahnya pak nico...
trus pulangnya liatin andreas audisi singer...
kasian dy grogi d depan...
banyak yg ngeliatin...
trus pulangnya jalan sama FAnya k david...
nyelip di FA org lain skali2 sm grady..
makan di Boat Quay.. masakan padang...
tetep yg asli d padang lebih enak... hahahaha... :D..
tiruan gk bisa ngalahin yg original...
ahahha... hari yg menyenangkan.. :D...
btw2... lagi nunggu pasangan baru muncul lagi nih di Youth BCS...
hehehe.. :D...
GBu all...
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Selesai juga... ^^
Pagi ini gw bangun spt biasanya...
bedanya hujan lebat x ini.. hahaha..
siap2 mw k sklh...
trus nungguin bus mw k mrt...
nungguin bus dr jam 8 - 8.35 busnya gk dateng2...
parah... krn hujan lebat x ya...?? tp apa hubungannya ya?? haha..
mw ujian lg...
finally i decided to used bus 109 to seranggoon...
akhirnya sampai jg d sklh..
10 mnt sebelum ujian...
untung blm telat..
kl telat bs2 gk ikt ujian...
haha... y finally2... ujiannya selesai jg..
hehe... bebas... XD...
tinggal tunggu ntar malem aja..
liat Planet Shakers bareng anggota FA yg lain..
i hope i can feel God's presence there...
bedanya hujan lebat x ini.. hahaha..
siap2 mw k sklh...
trus nungguin bus mw k mrt...
nungguin bus dr jam 8 - 8.35 busnya gk dateng2...
parah... krn hujan lebat x ya...?? tp apa hubungannya ya?? haha..
mw ujian lg...
finally i decided to used bus 109 to seranggoon...
akhirnya sampai jg d sklh..
10 mnt sebelum ujian...
untung blm telat..
kl telat bs2 gk ikt ujian...
haha... y finally2... ujiannya selesai jg..
hehe... bebas... XD...
tinggal tunggu ntar malem aja..
liat Planet Shakers bareng anggota FA yg lain..
i hope i can feel God's presence there...
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Horeeee... akhirnya laptop gw bs idup lagi...
stlh error kmrn...
padahal cm nyatuin partisi external hardisk.. T_T..
hmm2.. meskipun banyak data yg ilang.. T_T
untung tugas sklh udah dipindahin k flashdisk..
kl gk... tinggal download aja sih...
wah, x ini capek banget nih unt ngidupin ni laptop...
perlu direcover n format berkali2...
diformat pake XP bajakan 2x.. haha.. maaf buat microsoft..
tp cuma sementara doank kok..
lalu dibalikin lg k Vista stlh 3x recovery dlm wkt 5 jam++..
Laptop gw udh bersih lagi...
mm.. bs diumpamakan nih.. seperti dosa kita...
dihapuskan sm Tuhan berkali2...
Thx God...
ahhh.. finally.. :D
stlh error kmrn...
padahal cm nyatuin partisi external hardisk.. T_T..
hmm2.. meskipun banyak data yg ilang.. T_T
untung tugas sklh udah dipindahin k flashdisk..
kl gk... tinggal download aja sih...
wah, x ini capek banget nih unt ngidupin ni laptop...
perlu direcover n format berkali2...
diformat pake XP bajakan 2x.. haha.. maaf buat microsoft..
tp cuma sementara doank kok..
lalu dibalikin lg k Vista stlh 3x recovery dlm wkt 5 jam++..
Laptop gw udh bersih lagi...
mm.. bs diumpamakan nih.. seperti dosa kita...
dihapuskan sm Tuhan berkali2...
Thx God...
ahhh.. finally.. :D
Sunday, April 6, 2008
What a day..............
well... aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
what kind of day is this...
2 mood in one day...
the first thing.. when i came to OHGS..
well.. the electricity was off... i must use staircase.. well not only me.. but all of people..
hehe... i was very exciting today, because i can play football again... i was very happy when i came to the church...
in the service, even it's quite hot for me.. I fell the God's presence there...
OK, after the service, we went to tampines to play football..
hmm.. we've done our warming up.. n waited our turn to play...
well.. i knew that i'll not play as the starter..
it's ok for me.. because my position is same as anthony.. and he's better than me...
so i just waited until the second half..
i thought i'll play as a central midfield which is my favorite position.. It must be a good chance for me, because anthony was tired already..
well.. but "the coach" choose another way..
Glenn came in to replace anthony.. i dont know the reason, because what i knew, he's right midfield... i was a little bit crestfallen... well.. ok, maybe latter i think..
i wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.. suddenly the coach said, "Anthony, masuk"..
i was shocked to hear that... well.. then, i just grumble with grady..
and the last 10 to 15 min, "the coach" called me, and say, " Gheko kamu bs maen d kanan gk?? (stlh k anton bilang fudi sdh capek)". Then i choosed to play at the right side, (actually i dont really like this position, but i have no choice, because no one can replace anthony position). i couldn't play very well, because my body were cool already... (warming up yg sia2)..
after several min, my bro came in because anthony got injured (the second time)..
this raised up my spirit, coz i can play w/ my bro.. but suddenly.. not more that 2 min.. "the coach" replaced my bro with anthony.. what a WISE decision...
that's enough... from a happy day became a worse day for me...
OK, we lost 0-1, not bad, but we didn't achieve the aim of this match.. HAVING FUN...
i fell sorry for my bro...
just want to inform you, before the match... "the coach" said " ok, everybody will play and those who were late must wait"..
well.. i think it's fair.. and that's a wise decision.. but the fact is....... you know it...
sorry, i couldn't give the best to the church... :(
ahhh... this is the longest blog that i have..
well.. thanks to supporter, although you all couldn't cheer us w/ all of your spirit.. :P.. (because the coach said.. diam2.. cm 1 org yg command.... i don't understand him). Special thanks to jenita, she came from orchard to tampines by herself to support us..
what kind of day is this...
2 mood in one day...
the first thing.. when i came to OHGS..
well.. the electricity was off... i must use staircase.. well not only me.. but all of people..
hehe... i was very exciting today, because i can play football again... i was very happy when i came to the church...
in the service, even it's quite hot for me.. I fell the God's presence there...
OK, after the service, we went to tampines to play football..
hmm.. we've done our warming up.. n waited our turn to play...
well.. i knew that i'll not play as the starter..
it's ok for me.. because my position is same as anthony.. and he's better than me...
so i just waited until the second half..
i thought i'll play as a central midfield which is my favorite position.. It must be a good chance for me, because anthony was tired already..
well.. but "the coach" choose another way..
Glenn came in to replace anthony.. i dont know the reason, because what i knew, he's right midfield... i was a little bit crestfallen... well.. ok, maybe latter i think..
i wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.. suddenly the coach said, "Anthony, masuk"..
i was shocked to hear that... well.. then, i just grumble with grady..
and the last 10 to 15 min, "the coach" called me, and say, " Gheko kamu bs maen d kanan gk?? (stlh k anton bilang fudi sdh capek)". Then i choosed to play at the right side, (actually i dont really like this position, but i have no choice, because no one can replace anthony position). i couldn't play very well, because my body were cool already... (warming up yg sia2)..
after several min, my bro came in because anthony got injured (the second time)..
this raised up my spirit, coz i can play w/ my bro.. but suddenly.. not more that 2 min.. "the coach" replaced my bro with anthony.. what a WISE decision...
that's enough... from a happy day became a worse day for me...
OK, we lost 0-1, not bad, but we didn't achieve the aim of this match.. HAVING FUN...
i fell sorry for my bro...
just want to inform you, before the match... "the coach" said " ok, everybody will play and those who were late must wait"..
well.. i think it's fair.. and that's a wise decision.. but the fact is....... you know it...
sorry, i couldn't give the best to the church... :(
ahhh... this is the longest blog that i have..
well.. thanks to supporter, although you all couldn't cheer us w/ all of your spirit.. :P.. (because the coach said.. diam2.. cm 1 org yg command.... i don't understand him). Special thanks to jenita, she came from orchard to tampines by herself to support us..
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Today FA
hr ini FA spt biasa nee..
hehe.. makan bareng di singpost emang paling enak..
Td wkt FA pengen sharing aja...
ingat kotbahnya si ko bonar minggu lalu, kalo Tuhan itu anggap kita sbg anak-Nya..
asik jg yah punya Tuhan skaligus Bapa kita...
walaupun udh ngelakuin dosa berulang kali, ttp aja masih dimaafin..
ya, kita sbg anakNya sih, pasti gk ada yg mw ngecewain Bapanya donk..
jadi y..... JAUH2 DARI DOSA!!!!! XD...
Beruntung banget nih bisa nganggep Tuhan kita sbg Bapa...
Gk smua org bs dapet kesempatan ini..
Thanks Dad..
Monday, March 31, 2008
First of April
1st of April....
a lot of people said that lie to another people is allowed at this day..
mm.. i don't know where this thing come from..
one thing that i Know is...
Jesus teach us to speak the truth not a lie...
now it's your choice...
your choice to commit sin or not...
a lot of people said that lie to another people is allowed at this day..
mm.. i don't know where this thing come from..
one thing that i Know is...
Jesus teach us to speak the truth not a lie...
now it's your choice...
your choice to commit sin or not...
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